Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Spelling Inventory

Last week I did my first spelling inventory and it did not go as planned. I couldn't tell if my student was goofing around or if he really did not understand how to do it. So once I had finished I spoke with my teacher and we both agreed that I should re do. Today I redid my spelling inventory and tried  a different method that would not get my student frustrated and to where he was able to focus a lot better. While doing the spelling inventory I could see so much more improvement than I did the first time. I was so proud of him and could tell he was very happy with his results. Overall, I really enjoyed this experience and I had fun doing it. Now I know that sometimes I have to make modifications that will benefit the students need and to make them more successful.


  1. I had the same problem with my running record and noticed when I took her to our empty classroom instead of the hallway she was more focused.

  2. Ahhh modifications are so important! I keep learning these kinds of things through the activities we do! I think that is the best learning experience for us! i am so happy your student felt proud of his results, that is so important!
