Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The movie CoCo

During the weekend my family saw two movies. On Saturday, we saw the movie Justice League and it was such an awesome movie. I loved it and plan to go see it with my brother.  On Sunday, we saw the movie CoCo and I absolutely loved it. The movie was so emotional and I cried so many times throughout the movie. When the previews first started to come out I was not really interested but as the previews continued to play I started to get interested and I had to see it. I am so glad that I saw the movie because it hands down the best movie in 2017. I can not wait till it comes out on DVD so I purchase my own copy. I would like to see the movie again before it is out of theaters. CoCo is a must see movie!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Time flies...

This year has gone by so fast it seems like just yesterday was my first day of class and getting ready to meet my students. But it is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas is not far behind. Before we know it..it is going to be New Years Eve and we are counting down 3...2...1..Happy New Years! It is crazy to think that 2018 is about to be here. It the year I graduate college, get a job and really have to be an adult. Sometimes I want this year just to slow down a bit so I can breathe.  Every year I say that this year is going by really fast but this year seems to be going a lot faster than the past few years. I'm ready to finish this year strong and start fresh in 2018. I just can't believe that Thanksgiving is right away the corner.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Spelling Inventory

Last week I did my first spelling inventory and it did not go as planned. I couldn't tell if my student was goofing around or if he really did not understand how to do it. So once I had finished I spoke with my teacher and we both agreed that I should re do. Today I redid my spelling inventory and tried  a different method that would not get my student frustrated and to where he was able to focus a lot better. While doing the spelling inventory I could see so much more improvement than I did the first time. I was so proud of him and could tell he was very happy with his results. Overall, I really enjoyed this experience and I had fun doing it. Now I know that sometimes I have to make modifications that will benefit the students need and to make them more successful.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Running Record

Today I did my first running record, I thought I was well prepared and ready to do it. I had four different levels of passages/books to read but when I actually did it with my kid turns out he needed a level lower than aa level. I could tell my student was very nervous and was struggling with reading. I ended up having to chose an easier aa level to read. He still could not read it on his own so I decided to start off by having us read the book together then he would read by himself the second time. Overall, I could tell he was frustrated and I tried several ways to help him get the words right without saying the actual word. I could tell that he was frustrated because he could not read it independently but he did well and what helped him the most was getting to see the picture and used the pictures to help him figure out what the word was. I also helped him by pointing to the words and giving him examples of what the word was. This was interesting experience for myself, I thought I was fully prepared for this but turns out I was not. Now I know what I have to do for future running records.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Favorite Meal

Everyone has a favorite meal and its usually the meal everyone looks forward to making. The one meal I cook all the time is spaghetti which I usually eat it about 2 to 3 times a week if I am lucky. You're probably thinking how do you eat spaghetti if your gluten free. Well luckily I found some gluten free noodles that do not taste any different. Once I started this gluten free diet I thought I was never going to eat spaghetti again. I literally almost cried. Thankfully I found the perfect brand of noodles that taste no different from regular noodles. Even though this diet is an everyday struggle for me. I am so glad that I don't have to give up some of my favorite foods.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Happy Death Day!

On Sunday, I went to the movies with my friend and her sister. We saw the 8:15 show of the movie "Happy Death Day". This movie was one of the most played movie trailer, I first discovered the movie trailer on Facebook and I was instantly I hooked and had to see the movie. I expected the movie to a thriller but in my opinion is was more of a horror. I really enjoyed watching and I definitely jumped several times in the movie. There was several parts of the movie that I was not expecting and some I knew before it had happened. Overall, I really enjoyed the movie and I would definitely go see it again.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


This past weekend I went home and spent time with my family. The main was because we were going to the renfest on Sunday. I have not been since I was in High School when I was in the drama club, I was so excited and looking forward to go all week. Once, we got there we spent  about 8 hours there and saw several shows and ate all kinds of food. I got a turkey leg for lunch and had strawberry Italian Ice and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. They were so good. I had eaten way to much and was overstuffed.  Every year there is one item I purchase every year I have gone. I buy a metal rose and place it into a vase that will eventually turn into a bonnet. So far I believe I have 5 or 6, I get so excited when I get a new one because it brings memories back from the first time I went years ago. I hope I can continue to go every year so my vase full of metal roses can grow and bring back so many memories. Getting the metal flower is the one thing that I look forwarded to the most when going to renfest.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Congrats to me.

Yesterday, I got an email saying that I had a package at the front desk. I was confused at first until I went to pick up my package. Turns out it was my Associates Degree of  Liberal Arts and I'm so excited and can't believe I did it. Thanks to an old roomie from my community college about a Transfer Reverse (which I did not know it was a thing), basically meaning transferring credits back to my community college and being able to receive my diploma. She gave me the contact information on who to contact the person who is in charged of that area. I sent an email a few minutes after talking to my friend about it. I got a response back fairly quickly. Turns out Texas State had already sent out my transcript in the summer and I was already rewarded with an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. I immediately informed my mother about it and we both got really excited. I filled out the form to receive my diploma last week and I received in the late afternoon yesterday. I am so over joyed about getting a type of degree and can't wait to start spreading the news to my family.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Book Nerd

Since I have started college 5 years ago, I never have time to read for fun anymore. I have my own personal  library that continues to grow throughout the years. I have read many of my books during the past years but during the school semester I am unable to read because of all the assignments that I have due throughout the semester. I am hoping that I will be able to read some of my books during the Christmas Break and hopefully I will get to once I have graduated college in the spring.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How the gluten free life started.

Have you ever wondered what it is like to basically start your life over? In a weird way I had to do just that and I never realized how hard it actually was for me to start over. Last November, a week after Thanksgiving Break I found out I was diagnosed with Celiac disease which means I have to be on a gluten-free diet for the rest of my life. It all started when I was young, I would always complain to my mother that my stomach was really hurting me. She would always tell me that I come from a family with bad stomachs and that it would go away but it took days before it actually went away. I remember it always leaving me curled up in my bed or on the couch hoping the pain would ago. Sometimes it got to the point that I wouldn't eat during the day and only ate one meal per day. Flash forward to  my junior year of college, it was just a random day and all of a sudden my stomach irked with severe stomach pains and I could barely move so I finally decided that I could not deal with the pain anymore and I had to figure out what was going on with me. I went and saw a specialist and a few weeks later I had a procedure done to confirm that I indeed have celiac disease.   When my doctor told me I did in fact have the disease that I needed to be on a strict gluten free diet and a low-fat diet as well. It has definitely turned my life around and there are days that I feel like I can't do it anymore but I know that I can't be sick all the time.Before I had the procedure done, I did some research on Celiac Disease and it turns out that most of the time when people have this disease that will never know or it takes them 10 years before being diagnosed. Which is crazy because it took me 12 years before I found out I had it.There are several hard parts about this disease but I know that my health is so important that I have to stick to this diet no matter what.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Mansion Tent

This past weekend I went camping with my church group called Chi Alpha. The camping trip was two days and one night. When I arrived to the camping spot, we started to pull out the tents,chairs, food, and etc. When it came to put up the tent I was staying in, everyone around us realized how big the tent was and it got the name The Mansion Tent. I stayed in the tent with five other girls and it took us almost an hour to get it set up because we couldn't figure out how the poles were supposed to be set up. Eventually two guys offered to help us and we were able to finally get a better picture of how the tent frame was supposed to be. Once we got the tent put up, we ventured out to explore the campground more or help anyone who needed help. Later in the night, I decided to go to bed. I had eventual day with meeting everyone, eating dinner, helping out and etc, I was exhausted. It was about one in the morning when I finally decided to crash. I crawled into the Mansion Tent and fell asleep quickly. Throughout the night, it was miserable. I didn't have a sleep bag so I slept with my blanket. Well it was freezing that night so I ended up sleeping on the tent floor so I could use my entire blanket to keep me warm. Another issue, us girls had was the fact that the tent was set up down hill and there were a bunch of tree branches that were underneath the tent. In the morning when I woke up, I saw that all of us had ended up sliding down to the right side of the tent. All of us started laughing and joking that we could have fit 2-3 more girls into the tent. Overall I got a sleepless night but I enjoyed getting to sleep in the Mansion Tent and meeting a bunch of new people that joined Chi Alpha. I had a blast and I can't wait to go next year!